Big Data Analytics in Morocco and Insurance Sector


Here is a brief timeline of the development of big data analytics in Morocco:


2015: The Moroccan government launched the Digital Morocco 2020 strategy, which included a focus on the development of

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bigdata analytics

big data analytics. The strategy aimed to promote the use of data analytics in various sectors, including healthcare, education, and finance.


2016: The Moroccan Data Center Alliance (MDCA) was launched to promote the development of big data analytics in Morocco. The MDCA aimed to provide support for research and development in the field of big data analytics and to promote collaboration between data scientists and businesses.


2017: The Moroccan Association of Artificial Intelligence (MAAI) was established to promote the development of artificial intelligence and big data analytics in Morocco. The MAAI aimed to provide training and support for data scientists and to promote collaboration between data scientists and businesses.


2018: The Moroccan government launched the Digital Development Agency (ADD) to promote the development of digital technologies, including big data analytics, in Morocco. The ADD aimed to support the development of new technologies and to provide training and support for professionals in the field of big data analytics.


2019: The Moroccan insurance company Wafa Assurance launched a new big data analytics platform to improve its underwriting and claims management processes. The platform was designed to analyze customer data and to provide Wafa Assurance with data-driven insights to improve its decision-making processes.


Overall, Morocco has made significant progress in the development of big data analytics in recent years. With initiatives such as the Digital Morocco 2020 strategy, the Moroccan Data Center Alliance, the Moroccan Association of Artificial Intelligence, and the Digital Development Agency, Morocco is well-positioned to become a major player in the global big data analytics market. The adoption of big data analytics in the insurance industry in Morocco is also on the rise, as demonstrated by the launch of Wafa Assurance's new data analytics platform.


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Bigdata Analytics

Here is a brief timeline of the development of big data analytics in the insurance industry in Morocco:


2019: Wafa Assurance, one of the leading insurance companies in Morocco, launched a new big data analytics platform to improve its underwriting and claims management processes. The platform was designed to analyze customer data and provide data-driven insights to improve Wafa Assurance's decision-making processes.


2020: Saham Assurance, another major insurance company in Morocco, announced that it had partnered with a data analytics company called SAS to develop a new data analytics platform. The platform was designed to help Saham Assurance analyze customer data to improve its underwriting and claims management processes.


2021: Allianz Maroc, a subsidiary of Allianz Group, one of the largest insurance companies in the world, announced that it had partnered with Microsoft to develop a new data analytics platform. The platform was designed to help Allianz Maroc analyze customer data to improve its underwriting and claims management processes.


Overall, the adoption of big data analytics in the insurance industry in Morocco is still in its early stages, but there have been significant developments in recent years. With the implementation of data analytics platforms by companies such as Wafa Assurance, Saham Assurance, and Allianz Maroc, it is likely that more insurance companies in Morocco will adopt big data analytics in the coming years to enhance their underwriting, risk management, and claims management processes.



Maryam Saeed Dogar


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