Future Technologies

 Technology has become essential part of people's lives, economy, and for all types of transactions and communications. Advancement in technology is rapidly changing the way people live and do businesses. Outdated technology has to be altered with new one to remain up to date with world trends.

Presently, internet of thing and artificial intelligence and blockchain technlogy and bitcoin are hot topic of the entire world. These will entirely shift the people life style and businesses and economic activities and each sector of the world.

Despite of benefits of above technologies in terms of fast transactions, communications, and payments, people will come in more control of these technologies which have capabilities to monitor each action or activity of human beings.

These technologies will vanish the need of banks if bitcoin and block chain become prevelant at the world wide level. It can remit money directly to receiver free of cost or minimal cost in fast manners without involving any third party which causes delay in remit exact money to exact person.

Internet of thing will make easy to monitor and control every thing which are annexed with sensors used to transmit data. Applications used in sensor to control things like lock of door, leakage of pipe, light bulbs of home, security alarm, gas connection or images of home or property, vehicle condition, vehicle speed and direction, vehicle driving behavior, vehicle routes, human body condition, human blood and sugar, human steps while racing, human age, human diseases, human faces expressions, human record and many more benefits are found in this novel internet of thing technology which are using new storage technology like cloud computing for storing and processing all collected data. Cloud computing has eradicated the need of hefty servers which require alot of space and consume electricity.

Artificial intelligence are working like human beings and is replacing many tasks of human beings which will be cause of loss of many jobs in future. This technology can use to send messages or communication to hundred of thousands customers at one time to share products information along with prices and other questions. This technology can accurately judge the customer budget through customer behaviors. This technology can give multiple solutions of investments of amounts in different manners. This technology can predict occurrence of future events based on past records.

Above all technology will change the world and people will spend more easiest but controlled life. This may easy to capture crime but cyber crime issues may be experienced which need to be cater by collaboration of all concerned institutions. 

Technology future is near to us and youth can save their future by getting master skills in these technologies and can earn in millions. This is time to learn and innovation to keep update with world otherwise we will remain very back in the world and will lose competition.


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