Who will be in power of next world order??

 World order is going to change. All circumstances of world is front of us. Now, question is that who will be next power in this world after united states???

Statistics of economy indicators are indicating that China will be next power which will replace united states. IMF and world bank have also reported that china soon will be in power economically in this world. We know that economic power is annexed with political power so who have strong economy will also have strong political power in this world. Presently, China has stronghold in majority of ports in this world whether South Asia, South Africa and Middle East. China have business in all over the world. China has investment in majority of countries in this world. China is going ahead in all feild whether business, information technology, exports, political, military and other fields.

United state will do every endeavor to hamper progression of China whether it's matter of 5 G technology, Indian pacific ocean, South East region, gawadar, chahbahar, Middle East or European markets or other business export or tariff issues. 

United state with its ally especially with Israel and UK and India will enclave China from all surrounding territorial disputes. After China, united state will remain sole power which has now weakened due to a lot of spending of budget in long war in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Iran, veitnam, Russia, venezuela, and other countries issues. 

United States is internally controlled with those people who are in control of jews state. Jew will declare themselves sole power in this world after crushing middle east then arranging world War 3 between Muslim and Europeans states or Christian states including united state. 

Jew will be sole power with his dajjal who will rule with their third temple in this world. 

Middle East or Arab are going to end as we can see that no one is left in Muslim countries who has dare or power to fight except Pakistan neclear power. 

After middle east, South Asia countries can be target of them. 

All are going to in same way as mentioned by our prophet in hadees. We have to play our part in struggling and safing our faith in jihad. May Allah accept us for jihad. 

May Allah fill our heart with strong believe and love with him and his prophet so that we can again get together for fight against cruel and evil system of devil who is crushing and doing masscre of humanity. Blood is common like water in this surface of earth. We have to raise our voice and stand up against it. 

World is going towards its ending. Oh Allah accept us for your Deen services so that we can make part of your team of martyrs. 


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