True love story of two loving soul mate couple

Allah Love?

True love is with soul. It is not with age, status, family, beauty, money, physical appearance, background, vicinity of living, career or so many worldly means which are now made causes of love.

True love commence from our beloved holy prophet with our beloved mother hazrat khadija.

No one can do love like these two couples....No one ever......

Can you imagine love of any youngest boy of 25 year old with 40 year women????? No way

But our prophet (pbhu) did pure and sincere love with his wife and spend his young age with our mother. On her death, our prophet shed tears and remained gloomy without his wife. This is true love without worldly  means.

Presently love annexes with financial circumstances which are leading to divorces in our society. No one is ready to support each other with love in this difficult time period of life which can be end at anytime.

Hadrat Kadija did support our beloved prophet (pbhu) in Shoaib abi Talib cave where there were no food and water. How did they spent 3 years without home, food, water and other things which are needed for survival??? but both couple spent this difficult time with support and love of each other.

Can you imagine this love in this 21st century where both can live together without divorce if they face above difficulties??? No way..........................................

There are so rare cases. If you want to find pure love in this word which is only with Allah.....

All your beloved ones or lover will leave you if you are becoming dependent or physical disable or have become victim of any disease or any issue in life. No one can tolerate you for longer period. He will leave you.....

So, true love is with Allah then why we cannot leave our illicit activities for him???

Oh! Allah enlight and guide our heart with your love.........until we meet you with contended soul.....

True love is with Allah and then your partner in heaven which is made only for you.....for forever....


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