Time is flying out

 Time is running out so quickly. It is spending speedily. Morning and night are altering their positions in some hours. These hours are becoming years. These years have changed a lot of things in this world. A lot of work is still pending. It is so difficult to manage time. Some troubles are still in same positions as it was earlier which makes life stuck. This burgons depression but no woo is available except to handover completely  to creator.

Our creator knows everythings about us. All circumstances are front of him. If we can trust on someone and entrust our some work to him which makes us lighten in our some burdens, then why can't we do trust on our creator. We can give our tensions and worries to him who will handle it in exact time or day which our creator chooses to solve. Before time we can not get rid from our worries so be relax and have faith on him. Trust is easy but people around us highten up in our worries which sometime makes cause of heart problems or effect to health and some time shakes our faith on our creator. 

Oh Allah please increase our faith and believe on you so that we can ignore all worries and can do trust on your all words mentioned in Quran.

Believe on words of Quran can make us brave to tolerate patiently all struggles which is written for everyman in this world from his birth to death. 


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