The Battle of Uhud (Arabicغزوة أحد‎ Ġhazwat 'Uḥud) was a battle between the early Muslims and their Quraish Meccan enemies in AD 624 in the northwest of the Arabian Peninsula. Abu Sufyan alongwith four hundred companions reached Medina as Jews promised to help him against Muslim but they could not do so as time required for this purpose. Therefore Abu Sufyan in wrath returned back but he looted some homes of Muslim and killed two ones. In way, they threw the begs of barley (satu) which robbed for making their speed fast which was why it is also called battle of barley or Gazwat-e-Saweeq.

After that, Abu Sufyan prepared one big army consisted on three thousand men. Among them, two hundred men consisted on horse cavalry leaded by Khalid Bin Waleed. Abu Sufyan along with his army reached at Uhd centered in south instead of north of Medina due to locality of desert where stones made difficult to movement of camels. After reaching at said locality, they left their animals in fields of Medina to give indication of battle. Before battle, holy prophet wanted to avert the attack from inside of city so you called leader of Munafeqeen and confirmed from Jews and they assured that they would not attack. After that, prophet s.a.w consulted about method/techniques of battle. Upon this, Abdulla Bin Ubae said we should fight from inside of fort and another group said we should fight in open field outside from city where we could easily follow commands. After contemplating on their opinions, prophet s.a.w decided to fight outside from city. Muslim army consisted on thousand companions from which three hundred men were return back towards Medina who also called group of munafeqeen. Army of Muslim had only two horses and some battle equipment as Mulsim was very poor. Prophet s.a.w also sent back to Jews by saying that it is religious battle so you are not bound to fight as many rumors were listened about Jews that they would include in Mecca cavalry after beginning of battle. Holy prophet commanded to make square or circle so that enemies could not attack from back side. From escaping the horses’ cavalry, you commanded that Khalid’s cavalry could come from land which came between Uhd Mountain and Medina and one valley also located on that land wherein prophet s.a.w commanded two groups of Muslim archers having number around fifty for taking their positions there. Prophet s.a.w advised said archers that they should not leave their positions till last man of Muslim cavalry is killed by enemies. Then prophet s.a.w made one separated group under leadership of hazrat Zubair Bin Awam and commanded them to attack in weak position of Muslim cavalry. Remaining army were stand in circle or triangle shape. Before battle, prophet s.a.w prevented to fight at individual level. Muslim army were in circle shape thus enemy could not attack from back or front side and it moved simultaneously which made worry to Mecca cavalry and they fled. Afterward, Muslim army broke the circle in which they were fighting for sake of looting Mecca camps. Muslim archers also ran downhill to join the other Muslim army for looting said camp. Women who came with Mecca cavalry motivated through temptation of freedom to slave men against killing of hazrat Muhammad, Hamza, Abu Bakar, Umar Bin Ktab and Ali. They also motivated to Mecca cavalry through wine and sexual enjoyment after battle. Poetries were recited loudly to boost the spirits of Mecca cavalry.[During looting Mecca camps, hazrat Ali prevented Muslim army to do so and leader of Muslim archers hazrart Abdullah Bin Zubair also stopped other Muslim archers to go down as holy prophet stopped them to break the circle wherein they were fighting with Mecca cavalry. They replied that holy prophet said so till end of battle and now we have got victory. When Meccan cavalry arrived in their camps then women torn their clothes and run towards Muslim army with open hairs. These women boosted their spirits by saying that if you could not kill Muslim army who had few men then you should fight till you are killed by them. Upon this, Meccan cavalry retuned back and attacked on Muslim army who were scattered and got no time to recombine in circle. Hazrart Abdullah Bin Zubair along with eleven companions fought with Khalid Bin Waleed but all were martyred. From back, Khalid Bin Waleed attacked on Muslim army who were also attacked by Mecca cavalry from front side. Muslim army was fighting at individual level.   During battle, one black slave man who was seeking our holy prophet for purpose of killing found hazrat Hamza whose back side when came toward that man then he killed him and got freedom from  Hind who was wife of Abu Sufyan. In this situation, holy prophet with his few companions climbed up towards hill of Uhad where Khalid’s cavalry could not reach. While climbing up, Abullah Bin Qayema cast stone on your face and your tooth had been hit and you fell down in cave. That person decreed that holy prophet had been martyred.1 Mus‘ab ibn Umair had resemblance with prophet who was martyred but rumor was spread about martyrdom of prophet which made Muslim army disappointed so they threw their swords.[3] Then Kaab Bin Manzar saw prophet and spread message of live of prophet. Muslim army again participated in battle and then Abdullah bin qayeema hit on prophet face through his sword.

Hazrat Ali and Umar took you outside of cave and sprinked water on your face. While this situation, Khalid Bin Waleed and his companions had reached by foot on hill. Then almost fourteen companions of prophet took you in circle and fought with them. Each one was fighting with ten companions of Khalid. Hazrat Ali, Anas and Umar were busy in fighting and cavalry of Khalid tried full to reach near to prophet. Abu Dujana had no exceptional skill in fighting with sword so he stand in a way in front of prophet that no bow could hit and all bow were hit to body of Abu Dujana who fell down and got martyrdom. After that, hazrat Anas also fell down and got martyrdom. Then hazrat Ali and Umar fought with bravery who through slogans were getting more courage in battle. After a while, holy prophet felt well in health and called Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas who gave you arrow which was thrown towards Khalid calvary. When these few companions saw your well condition then without caring own injurious, they attacked with full force on them who compelled to return back. After end of battle, some women came in which hazart Fatima came for medical aid but prophet sent her toward hazrat Ali. Sister of Hazrat Anas recognizd her brother from ears as no place was left where hazart Anas had no cut of sword.

Muslim women worked with valour as hazrat Ayesha and Umma Saleem took water for injury men. Moreover hazrat Umme Ammarah  reached near to prophet for protecting him against Mecca cavalry had attacked from back side of Muslim army and you had only few companions around him. Umme Ammarah  while protecting was also hit by Abdullah bin Qayeema but she remained steadfast for fighting. Hazrart Safya tolerated calmly when she saw body of hazrat Hamza which was spoiled by Hind. One woman of Medina when listened news about father, brother and son who all were martyred then she asked repeadtly about prophet life.

After end of battle, women of Meeca calvary cut the lips, ears, nose and belly of Muslim army and chewed the liver. Hind that is why called hind liver eater or  jigar khor who chewed the liver of hazrat Hamza. Sun had set and Arab did not fight after sun set so Abu Sufyan decided to return back toward Mecca. He also repented on his decision while settling half way.  He decided to go back but got news about holy prophet who with his companions was waiting of him at deseart Al-Saad. He then decided to go towards Mecca from Roha. Holy prophet got news through informer who told that Abu Sufyan wanted to come back. This battle did not prove defeat of Muslim army as two things are mandatory for victory: capture of country and defeat of army of country. Meeca cavalry neither captured the Medina nor defeated Muslim army.










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