above battle, you decided to fight against Domta Al-Jandal those had blocked
ways for Muslim due to which Muslim faced great trouble. During this, you also
got news that Mecca cavalry were gathering ten thousand men for battle against
Medina. Instead of great number of army, they wanted to fight in absence of prophet
as they knew about your battle skills. You decided to fight against Domta Al-Jandal
located near to Medina and Mecca cavalry did not start their journey. While
journey toward said city, you passed near to tribe Gutfan and decided to talk
with them so that they could remain neutral. While talking, you got news about
jouney of Mecca cavalry which were near to Medina then you decided to go back
Medina. Jews and munfaqeen knew that you would not come back until you fought
with Domta Al-Jandal but they surprised after seeing you. You soon commanded
Muslim to dig trunch around Medina as ten thousand Mecca cavalry with battle
equipment were reaching toward Medina rapidly. That is why, this war also
called trunch war. You also commanded to pick up all fruits and crops from Medina’s
fields so that Mecca cavalry could not get food from Medina’s field. Therefore,
when Mecca cavalry reached then they faced difficulty regarding food supply. All
Medina citizens took participation in digging of trunch around Medina. This trunch
was made from south to west and west to north of Medina and east part was
covered with gardens and consisted on narrow streets so there some archers were
positioned to stop Mecca cavalry. While digging trunch, it was allowed to sing
and recite poetry for boosting courage of people. Before arrival of Mecca
cavalry, Medina army had completed trunch and prepared for battle. Mecca cavalry
were wondered to see trunch as they did not see ever such method in battle so they
fixed their camps near to Medina and taunted to Medina’s Muslim about their
cawordness. Both armies could throw arrows and talked with one another so Muslim
army offered dates crops of Medina against alliance to tribe Banu Gutfan and
this strategy is used for separation/scaterring Mecca cavalry. But Muslim could
not settle this matter due to interruption of Abu Sufyan who invoked Jews to
attack from back side of Muslim. Prophet and Muslims knew that Abu Sufyan and Jews
tribe Banu Qureza would attack from both sides to defeat Muslim army but they
believed on aid of Allah. People of Mecca selected Naeem Bin Masoood for making
treaty with Jews people. Said man came toward prophet and told about his faith
that he had already become Muslim. Prophet commanded him for exchanging news
between both Jews people and Mecca cavalry through alteration of words and this
tactic does not come in deception as it’s a method of battle. Naeem Bin Masood
told Jews people about security in case Mecca calvalry could not defeat Muslims
and reminded them previous battles of Muslims with Mecca cavalry. In this way,
he weakened the trust of Jews on Abu Sufyan and said that you should demand few
men of Mecca cavalry so that they could not fled in case of defeat. Jews people
considered his words seriously. Then he came to Abu Sufyan and said that Jews
tribe Banu Qureza had made strong bond of friendship with prophet and they would
demand four people among our Mecca cavalry so that they could entrust them to
prophet. Also, he said to Abu Sufyan that Jews if could not begin battle
against Muslims in Saturday then it is understood that they did not want to
fight with Muslim army. Atlast, Jews sent message of sending four people for
security pupose to Abu Sufyan who already knew about it so he refused to send
them. Abu Sufyan said to Jews for beginning
of battle on Saturday but Jews could not do so due to religious believes in
which day of Saturday is sacred and no war should be fight in this day
otherwise they would face great almity in both this world and hereafter. In
this way, they both could not trust on each other. Moreover, Mecca cavalry were
facing shortage of food supply which made him more depressed. They were also feeling
cold due to cold blows of Medina. Month of shawal was going to end and Ziqaeda,
Zil-Hajj and Muhram were near to begin in which months Mecca cavalry could not fight
battle and had to wait till three months. It was difficult due to shortage of
food supply and cold blows in Medina. In this period, two men tried to cross
trunch. One was Nofal Makdomi who came in trunch with his horse but was killed
by hazrat Ali. Abu Sufyan feared due to spoliation of his body as Mecca
women has spoiled bodies of many Muslims
in Uhd battle but hazrat Ali entrused his body to Mecca cavalry without
receiving any reward. Second was Umoro bin Abdud who was very brave man and hit
to hazrat Ali who before killing him gave chance to accept Islam but he did not
accept thus he was killed. One night Mecca cavalry faced very speedy air which
torn the camps cloth and off the fire and rain started to fell down which made
Mecca cavalry very puzzled so they all fled from Medina. After end of battle,
economic bycott could not end due to alliances of Mecca with Kyber who stopped
the trade of Muslims. Afterward, you decided for accountability of Medina Jews
who broke the Medina law in which it was decided that all would avert enemies
with eachother help and no one would make alliance with enemies. Jews after end
of battle remained in their forts. Prophet offered them to accept Islam but
they did not accept and after four or six weeks Kaab Bin Asad shouted from fort
wall for children who were hungry.
Hazrat Ali gave them opportunity to choose one person on whom both
parties had belives on his character. Thus Saad Bin Ma’az was selected for
taking decision in this matter. Hazrat Ali had provided food to Jews people.
Saad Bin Maaz did decision against Jews as eye witness Naeem Bin Masood himself
presented and told all matter. All Jews were expelled from Medina except those
who had accepted Islam. Banu Qurezha could be forgiven by prophet to whom they absued therefore prophet
commanded to siege their forts till one month. After that, they said to Saad
bin Ma’az for decision who gave order according to book of Torate. In this
order, it was allowed to kill those Jews who wanted to fight and arrest all
women and children and snatch all their belongings.

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