The Battle of Khaybar was fought in the year 628 between Muslims and the Jews living in the oasis of Khaybar, located in the north-western part of the Arabian peninsula, in modern-day Saudi Arabia. After treaty of Hudaybiyyah, prophet tried to follow the conditions which were imposed in treaty for sake of peace between both Mecca and Medina. After this treaty, both Mecca and Medina did not attack on each other but Khyber was still blocking ways of Muslims trade. You tried for peace treaty between Khyber and Medina but Jews did not accept this peace treaty. Prophet compelled to take his troops against Khyber and Jews also knew that we would be next target of Muslim army; therefore, they had prepared their army and stored food in huge quantity in their forts. Khyber consisted on eight forts. Muslim army had only bows, arrows and swords so they could not get victory from these battle equipments. Prophet led his troops and told new techniques of battle which are as follows:

·       You commanded to stop the flows of river water goes directly toward forts so that they could not store water in their wells.

·       One by one fort would be captured. When Muslim army went forward for Siege of forts then Jews started to throw stones from machines/engines and it became very difficult for Muslim army to stand in front of these stones. It was new battle equipment which Muslim army did not know how to defend against it. Then prophet commanded to make tower under which Muslim army reached near to rampart of fort as stones could be thrown on far distance rather than near locality. Prophet also told Muslim army about tower fixed on top of wall of fort in which holes were made from which stones could be thrown on Muslim army who left those place and choosed those walls which were safe.

Soon prophet health became deteriorate due to climate of Khyber so you entrusted charge of chief of army to Abu Baker who could not work after two days due to sickness. Hazrat Umar Al-Ktab was assigned this duty but he could not work due to sickness so hazrat Ali who was also ill was selected by prophet for this post and he accepted. He firstly sieged the fort Natat from where Marhab challenged you which was accepted also. Hazrat Ali killed the Marhab and commanded to break the fort door with wood stem which was caught by fifty soliders for hitting the door. Some on command of hazrat Ali climbed up via stairs on fort walls. Atlast, fort was captured and all Jews in fort were arrested and food or other goods were looted. In similar way, hazrat Ali captured eight forts. On last fort, prophet kissed hazrat Ali forehead and called him lion of Allah. In end of battle, prophet offered marriage to one Jew woman namely hazrat Safya. You also stopped Muslim army from temporary marriage (muta) with Jews women and from destroying gardens of Jews. Muslim allowed Jews to worship as they wanted and returned all books of Jews. Jews lastly accepted friendship and promised to give amount called tax (jaziya) to Muslims.

Khyber had central position for Jews. Banu Nazir who was expelled from Medina invoked Jews of Khyber for battle. Kyhber’s Jews also made alliances with tribe Gutfan for attack on Medina. Before battle, prophet confirmed through his one informer about this attack. Then prophet called Aseer who had regin in Khyber for making alliance. For this purpose, you sent one companion. On the way, Aseer tried to attack on Muslims due to which he was killed. This murder prepared Jews army for battle. Afterward you compelled for battle. In the end of battle, prophet returned all captured lands to Jews. Jews themselves called you righteousness.


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