The Battle of Badr (Arabicغزوة بدر‎), fought on Tuesday, 13 March 624 CE (17 Ramadan, 2 AH in the Islamic calendar) in the Hejaz region of western Arabia (present-day Saudi Arabia). Non-Muslim of Mecca had blocked all means of trade of Medina thus our holy prophet commanded to stop the ways of them who passed from Medina after trading for going towards Mecca. One informer informed about one trade group of Mecca who had 2000 camels and 50,000 dinar and would pass near to Medina. Holy prophet prepared his army comprises on 313 best warriors in which 140 ones were ansar. Those warriors had 70 camels and 2 horses. Our holy prophet waited with them at the valley of badr but said group of men did not pass from this way as informer already informed them so they had changed their route and also sent one man towards Mecca for help against Muslim. You got news of 950 warriors of Mecca coming toward valley of badr. After that, holy prohept ordered to shift place from south to north of badr where water remained in control of Muslim. Second order and lesson was about unity in war in lieu of individual war which famoused in Arab to show his strength and bravery. In this unity, muslim were stand in triangle shape wherein all were stand closer to each other and no enemy could attack from back side of them. In night, holy prohet changed the locality of Muslim so that their eyes could escape from sun light. In all this period, holy prophet also motivated via verses of quran wherein heaven in form of reward for martyr and refrain from flew away in war through mentioning hell and also asked help of Allah. At day of war, you stood on the top of one valley for observing whole map of battle and accordingly ordered them. During battle, Muslim moved togetherly in shape of triangle. One brave solider hazrat Muadh bin Umro hit the foot of Abu Jahl and someone killed the Abu Jahl whom murder lowered the spirit of cavalry of Mecca.

Two were included in killing of Abu Jahl namely Muadh and Ufra.   Chief of tribe Aws, hazrat Saad bin Muadh went for performing pilgrimage in Mecca where as guest he stayed at home of Umayyah ibn Khalaf. People of Quraysh threated him due to prophet but he threated also for blocking their paths near Medina from where they passed for trade purpose towards other countries. Due to this threat, prophet commanded to impede their trade paths and also made alliances with other tribes resided near to Medina so that they could remain neutral in this battle and do help of Muslim. After this treaty, one rich man of Mecca Kurz bin Jabir Al-Fihri attacked on Medina’s meadows and looted some cattles. Accidently Abd-Allah ibn Jahsh, who was sent for getting information about trade men of Mecca, attacked and killed them and prophet did not like his act. This news increased the spirit of Mecca for battle. In this situation, they got news that prophet and his companions had made plan for looting another trade group of Mecca who would pass near to Medina. Upon this, they prepared their cavalry.[3] According to Faqeer Moen ul Deen Ahmed Nadvi and Abdul Samid Sarim, in this battle, Muslim matyer numbers were fourteen and they won the taste of victory.

After that, martyrs were buried and threw the body of non-muslim in badr well. Prophet s.a.w also stopped from spoiling body of non-muslims. Thereafter, you consulted with his companions about seventy arrested men who were caught in this battle. Upon this, hazrat Umar said that we should kill all and hazrat Abu Obaid said that all should be burnt alive but hazrat Abu Bakar said that we should allow arrested men for contact with relatives so that they could free them against money (fadiya)[4]. Before making law regarding arrested men, holy prophet first consulted with companions including migrants (Mahjreen) and citizen of Medina (Ansar). Then holy prophet incorporated laws regarding arrested men in battle wherein following things were mentioned:[5]

·       Muslims should behave nicely with them. Accordingly Muslims gave their clothes and food to them.

·       Money would be taken according to financial conditions of their families, however, arrested men belonged to wealthier families thus four thousand dirham were taken. In case of no money, one could give other things like arrows or swords which had equal value of demanded money.

·       Those arrested men who were literate would teach ten children of Muslim against money (fidya).





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