Eastern Societies Behavior Towards Women in this 21st Century

I hope, this calamity in form of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) may have melt our hard hearts which have become very hard more than stone. This calamity may be an opportunity for us for rethinking collectively at our life style and deeds in our whole ages so that we can take initiative again for living life as per lawgiver injunctions. If we pay attention in this critical situation to our deeds then heart breaks and tears come in eyes as people still are selfish and ignoring the end of life which is real home of every human being. In this critical situation, when listened about news of murdering of girls on name of honor then heart broke as we have become so hard heartily that one father or brother kills to whom he grown up, in a seconds. How does it become possible? How can hands give permission to snatch life of another living human being?? There may be fault of girls if she flew away from home but they should not be killed. Every human being passes from their every stage of life which teaches us many lessons with passage of time. We should give time to others for becoming righteous person. This type of killing will make cause of further increment in rebellion emotions and women will cross their limits. There should be loving and caring training from childhood of all children especially girls which will prevent them to become revolted. We  should build character of their society and we have to stop killing and give chance to each other as Allah gives us time after committing a lot of sins. We always have hope of forgiveness from Allah. We should forgive others as well as we have hope from Allah for his forgiveness. Other cases of rape of very little girls which are increasing tension in our society. Other cases are of snatching property of girls if her father or brother dies. Other cases are of girls beaten by husband if she commits any wrongdoing. Other cases are of mother in law who are beating to girls as she does not perform as per her expectations. Other cases are of  kidnapped girls who become call girls. Other cases are of orphan girls who are beaten as they are burden for them. Other cases are of poor girls who are begging on roads and do work in different homes where they are tortured and become victim of rape or are beaten as they are weak. Other cases are of brother in law who are beating his brother's wife as she is widow and snatch all which was given to her by her husband. Other cases are of working ladies who are harassed in offices and in roads. There are so many cases which show the hardest living of women in their critical situation in both home and outside economic lives from which they all are fighting or doing suicide or becoming rebellion or committing in sins or crimes.

This situation is of our society which is clearly showing the truthfulness of hadith of our beloved prophet which abstract is that women will flew away from home and will break all chains and you could not do anything despite of all effort for stopping them.

If we men and women perform their duties as mentioned in divine laws, then this world can become heaven and peaceful locality. All solutions of problems are in performance as per divine injunctions for which hard heart should be melt from remembrance of result of our deeds in grave and hereafter lives. 


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