Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) and Pakistan

Cases of corona virus is going up which has to be handled by our nation bravely with asking forgiveness from Allah who gave us Pakistan for establishing Islamic system in his earth. It was impossible to get freedom from British government and Hindus who did not want to give us freedom and could not see our prosperity in any field. Allah gave us chance again after giving punishment in form of establishing British kingdom in subcontinent who snatched Muslim kingdom one by one and did murder and closed our all economic sources of income, and only opened for Muslim one field called army or troops which demanded Muslim lives for establishing British government. Muslims and religious scholars under Mugal empire were not unite and sincere. This disunity and hate and distance from Shariah become us weak which made opportunity for British for snatching Muslim realm in subcontinent. However, Allah gave us chance again in form of giving separate country, Pakistan. Since 1947, Pakistan could not implement Islamic laws. Allah realized after separation of east Pakistan called Bangladesh now. Still, we can not establish Islamic system. Corrupt people ruled this country due to our corrupt nation. Many storms came and other diseases but we could not establish Islamic system. Now in 2020, we are facing an amazed disease which are effecting everything of our lives. What can we do is just to pray as nation of Hazrat Younas did which repelled the big punishment. May Allah opens our heart for Islam and faith so that we can take stand for Islamic system despite of all powers of evil system.

This sever corona has proved verse of Quran that human is made very weak. All politician, army, judges, and other higher authorities are doing their best within limitation of resources but all are powerless in front of this tiny virus which is invisible enemy. Where is world's army and its technology for fighting against this virus. People of whole world are powerless. This shows the value of human and original face which we have forgotten in this advance technological era with too much facilitation. What can we do this that repenting in front of Allah like nation of Hazrat Younas which repentance had repelled punishment which had been fixed for them but Allah forgave them. We all need true repentance and we have to start work on all Shariah injunctions at individual level, society level, nation level, economical level, political level, administration level, court level, and all aspect of life according to their own limitations and resources. This repentance and deeds can escape us from this disease and other calamities. This is very critical situation for whole world especially poor countries like us. Explosion in Lahore in this disease situation further increases our tensions and difficulties. With the azaan, we can request from Allah altogether for forgiveness like our ancestors used to do for istisqa situation when there were shortage of rain.


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