Who was Aurengzeb???? (Part 6)

Aurengzeb was younger son of Shah Jhan who was given territory of Deccan where Aurengzeb performed very well and managed all administrative system. His performance was not liked by his elder brother, Dara Siko who complained about him in front of father. Aurengzeb used to take tax from Bija pur and Roilkinda but they denied from many years on which he did attack and near to capture but his brother, Dara Siko accepted tax amount which Bijapur and Rohilkinda wanted to give if Aurengzeb returned back with his expedition. Aurengzeb returned back due to his brother. Shah Jhan fell ill which news was hidden by Dara Siko which made popular among his brothers that Shah Jhan had demised so Shuja declared his independent kingdom in Bengal, Murad in Gujrat and Aurengzeb in Deccan.

Aurengzeb made tie with his brother, Murad against Kahsmir, Punjab and Sindh after capturing Delhi. Aurengzeb gave defeat to Dara Shiko in Samo Gar who flew in Delhi and then tried to escape by route of Sindh but arrested and entrusted to Aurengzeb who killed him. Murad was also killed later due to his treachery. Shuja flew back in his territory, Bengal. Aurengzeb become Sultan of whole Mugal kingdom and implemented Islamic system. Shah Jhan was made prison in Agra fort where Jhan Ara looked after his father. Eventually, Shah Jhan demised which was buried near to grave of his wife, Mumtaz Mehal.

Aurengzeb faced new enemies, Marhata in Deccan. Shiva Ji was a representative of marhitha people. His father got defeat in Ahmed Nagar where he declared his realm under little boy of late Nizam Shahi but got defeat from Mugal. His father then came in Bija Pur and did employment under Nawab Adil Shah. Shiva Ji captured many forts in Deccan and Bija Pur. On which Adil Shah sent Afzal Khan for crushing his revolt but he was killed. Bija Pur nawab sent army for crushing Shiva Ji but they flew towards mountain where battle could not be fought easily. After long time, father of Shiva Ji asked forgiveness from BijaPur nawab. Then Shiva captured Mugal territories on which Aurengzeb sent Shaista Khan but Shiva Ji gave defeat him. On this, many gave advised to Shiva Ji for asking forgiveness from Aurengzeb of he wanted to survive in Deccan. Shova Ji went to see Aurengzeb who arrested him. Shiva with his son Sanba Ji flew from Aurenzeb prison by sweet baskets where they hid.  Shiva Ji after coming back from three month prison established his kingdom in Ray Gar territory.

British East India company tried to capture subcontinent but got defeat. After death of Aurengzeb, they captured territories one by one due to ineligible sons of him.

What we learned that power of kingdom made a man enemy of his brother. In this way, he enjoyed his seat for little time then another kill him or do conspiracy for enjoying that seat. If we realize real purpose of seat of kingdom then no body try to get it as our Sahabas/companions of Prophet Pbhu who never did wish for becoming Caliph as they knew the responsibilities and accountability in hereafter life. Presently, Muslims have forgotten real meaning of politics which is to implement the Islamic system under which all human are safe and get prosperity and justice equally. Alas! This fear of accountability is vanished from heart as we have left Quran and Sunnah which realizes our real purpose of lives.


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