Do you know your history?? ( Part 6 )

Do you know your history??

Lodhi Family

Lodhi family is a part of Afgan tribe and they were very rich due to their businesses in sub-continent. Uncle of Behlol, Islam Khan Lodhi showed his bravery in army of Khizar Khan. Due to this bravery, he was given Sarhind territory. After death of Islam Khan, Behlol served as governor in Sarhind. Behlol under realm of Muhammad Shah Syed defeated many revolt so he was entrusted governorship from Lahore to Depal Pur. Eventually, he conquered Delhi on call of Hameed Khan who was Minister of Alo-ud-Din, son of Muhammad Shah.

Behlol Lodhi crushed all revolts then he crushed influence of Hameed Khan in Delhi governance. He made obedient to all revolters surrounding Delhi, however, he spent 25 years in battling with Sharqi government of Jaunpur. eventually, they did sign peace agreement but could not remain friend for long time and revolt again started from Shamsabad where Sharqi wanted his control but Lodhi wanted their control in it. At last, Behlol defeated this Sharqi government and conquered all territories and Jaunpur also made part of Delhi government.

Skindar Lodhi was son of Behlol Lodhi, took charge of administration of whole kingdom spread in sub-continent. There were five boys of Behlol. After his death, officers opted Nizam Khan who had his agnomen "Skindar Lodhi". He also spent his life in crushing internl and external enimes and revolters. His own brothers, Bareek Shah who was governor of Jaunpur declared independence frm centroal government. However, he gpt defeat ad forgave by Skindar. 

After crushing all revolts, he brought reforms in administration. He made all sub-continent a peaceful place for which he established police department and established post offices in everywhere for keeping himself informed about all circumstance of people. He retracted extra taxes on agriculture which made food cheap. he made strong espoinage system for getting updation about performance of all governors. He switched his central throne from Delhi to Agra which is in middle of sub-continent. He was sunni muslim and implemented Islamic laws in sub-continent and restricted all non-shariah rites and heresy. he strictly established discipline all sub-continent. He strictly took action on corruption of governor and started this accountability from  his brother, Mubarik Lodhi who was governor of Jaunpur. Due to his strict rules, many Governor made conspiracy against him but could not get success. He preferred justice based system and welfare of public.

Ibrahim Lodhi was eldest son of Skindar Lodhi. He was last emperor in Lodhi family. He wasvery stubborn and immoral. His yunger brother, Jalal Khan, governor of Qalpi got support from officers of Delhi and conquered Jaunpur. Khan Jhan Lohani informed about this distribution in sub-continent to Ibrahim Lodhi who sent message to all governors in linked territory of Jaunpur to defeat Jalal who went back in Qalpi. Jalal got support from Azam Hamyun Sarvani for recapturing Jaunpur then Ibrahim came in Qanoj with his expedition. Azam Hamyun left alone to Jalal and made part of Ibrahim's expedition who defeated Jalal and conquered his territory, Qalpi. Jalal flew away toward Goliyaar and then Malwa and then Katra where he was arrested and killed. He punished many officers like Miyan Buwa and Azam Hamyun were made prisoners. Hamayun son's Islam Khan did revolt in Ktra. All revolters declared Independence from Delhi. He also misbehaved with Dolat Khan's son, Dilwar who flew away in Lahore where Dolat Khan was appointed as governor. Both called Baber for crushing Lodhi kingdom in sub-continent.

Stay with us for next blog on remaining parts of our history...........


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