Do you know your history?? ( Part 5)

Do you know your history??? If not !  Then this blog will keep you abreast about your history

Syed Family

After deterioration of Tagluk realm, one governor of Lahore, Khizar Khan got control in Delhi and declared his kingdom on name of Syed Family.

Khizar Khan was Syed and was governor in realm of Feroz Shah but he become governor of Taimur after his attacks on sub-continent. He did support to Timur which is why he was given territory of Punjab. However, he fought may battles for crushing revolts in his remaining life and buried in Delhi.

Mubarik Shah was son of Khizar and his whole life also spent  in crushing revolts. Turk and Khokhar were chief revolters in Punjab. Sarwaar Malik on behalf of Delhi government crushed these two revolters. Later, he also killed Mubarik Shah.

Muhammad Shah sat in throne but control was in hand of group of killers. Some officers in Delhi made conspiracy against Sarwar Malik who was later killed . All revolters started conquering their area ad declared independence from central government of Delhi. Behlol Lodhi, governor of Lahore also tried to conquer Delhi but could not get success and declared his independent realm in Lahore.

After demise of Muhammad Shah, his son, Alo-ud-Din Shah sat in throne, however, he was not eligible to manage affairs of sub-continent. He left Delhi and went in Badiun. He was against his one Minister, Hameed Khan who called Behlol who eventually established his kingdom in whole sub-continent.

Stay with us for next blog on remaining parts of our history...........


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