Do you know your history?? ( Part 2 )

Do you know your history??? If not !  Then this blog will keep you abreast about your history.

Ghori Family

Shahab ud Din Ghori had divided captured territories under his slaves. Yalzur was entrusted state of Kamran and Nasir ud Din Qibacha was given states of Uch and Baha ud Din Tugral was given Byana state where he established Sultan Kot city. Qutab din Aibak was made governor of Delhi. Under Qutab ud Din, Nasir ud Din Qibacha managed Uch state. After death of Shahb ud Din Ghori, his nephew Sultan Mahmood declared all states of slaves independent. Yalzur was also entrusted Gazni state with Kamran. He also tried to capture Lahore but got defeat from Aibak who snatched Gazni as well. However, Aibak returned back in Lahore and Yalzur again got his control in Gazni. Qutb ud Din Aibak was also called Lakh Bakash due to his generosity. He built Qutab Minar and Quwate-e-Islam mosques in Delhi. He died while playing Polo in Lahore. His shrine is in Anar Kali, Lahore.

Altamish was slave of Qutab din Aibak who was chosen for state administration. He crushed all revolts of other slaves and Rajpoot and other nations. Nasir ud Din Qibacha established his independent states in Uch, Multan, Sindh and Lahore. Altamish came in Lahore for removing his control. Before battle, Mangol came in Multan from Sindh route for crushing Nasir ud Din state in Multan. He requested for pray from Moeen ud Din Chisti and Bahu ud Din Zakaria. Eventually, Mangol returned back after 40 days. Then, Altamish did attack and crushed his independent states. Upon this, Nasir ud Din Qibacha drowned in Sindh river. Bahu ud Din Tugral had died in Bayana. Yalzur flew from Gazni to Lahore due to Kawarizam who captured Gazni as his state of Iran was conquered by Mangol. Yalzur did conquer Lahore but Altamish gave defeat in Train place and made him prison in badaiyo territory. After crushing all revolts, he went for crushing Golviyar revolt but Delhi administration was entrusted to Razia Sultana who was very intelligent than his brothers. After death of Altamish, he entrused state to Razia but officers of Delhi government made Rukan ud Din Feroze Sultan who was not eligible and remained occupy in lust and his mother Turkan Shah controlled all state matters. One day, he went to crush revolt of Golviyar and others then Razia took control of Delhi government after taking in trust of all public of Delhi. Governors and Army officers did not like women as sultan so they started make plans of conspiracy against her which was crushed. Razia defeated revolt of Lahore Governor and Turk officers of Delhi government. Razia trusted on black Habshi Yaqoot which made way for officer of conspiracy as they said razia is doing persecution with his slave yaqoot. Malik Altonia governor of Bathinda did revolt. Razia with her army went in Bathinda where army gave her deceiveand killed Yaqoot and entrused Razia to Malik Altonia from whom she did marraige and again attacked on Delhi but his brother Behram gave her defeat. while returning back, she was killed in near of Kithal.

Beharam could not crushed all revolts surrounding of Delhi so he was killed. After him, Ala ud Din Masood was given state but he could not manage. Nasir ud Din Mahmmod was youngest son of Altamish was given state of Delhi. He was very pious and he earned his income by Quran Calligraphy. He entrusted all government matters to Gayaz ud Din Balban who managed all states and revolts. Gayaz was married with daughter of Altamish. 

Gayaz ud Din knew about revolt of 40 Turk' Slaves who was grouped by Altamish for looking after state matters. These 40 Turk's slaves had made all Sultan weak who managed state matters on their orders. They had no discipline. Gayaz killed them in different ways. Then, he introduced new ideology of kingdom which had most of influence of Sasani kingdom. He adopted their ideology that there should be gap in Sultan and Public so that they could take sultan serious. Second ideolgy was that sultan should have strong character so he gave up wine. Third one is that treasury should be full with money and army should be strong. Fourth one is that Reconnaissance department should be strong and last one is that sultan should established justice in all matters.

He gave strict punishments to all revolters. He crushed revolt of thieves of Do-Aab, Mawati and Kandal Band. His son, Sher Muhammad crushed revolt of Mangol who had governorship in Multan and Punjab. Gayaz crushed revolt of Bangal and his son, Bagra Khan managed its administration. After death of Sher Muhammad while fighting with Mangol, he built castles in all boundaries of his kingdom where he assigned duties to soldiers who stopped attacks of Mangols. He grew older so he wanted to give state to Bagra Khan who did not want to come back in Delhi from Bengal. On this, he entrusted state to Kakasro who was son of Sher Muhammad but Fakhar ud Din Qotwal after Sultan  death called Kaikabad for entrusting state. Kaikabd was not eligible for state who spend life in lust and all matters were being controlled by Nizam ud Din, Qazi of State and his wife. Later, Bagra Khan called his son Kaikabad for advising him who then killed to Nizam ud Din. Kaikabad was sick and become paralyzed. Officers of government and army entrusted state to his very younger son and made plan to crush Khilji power in state. When Khilji knew about their conspiracy then they drowned Kaikabd in Jamna river and got control in Delhi state.

Stay with us for next blog on remaining parts of our history...........


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