Do you know Sher Shah Sori ?? Who was he??

Sher Shah Sori real name was Farid Khan who was born in Hisar where his Afgan mother lived in one home with other wives of her husband, Hassan Khan. Hassan fall in love of one hindu girl and did marriage with her who did not like Farid. Farid went to Jaunpur for getting education from educational institution where he got success and was awarded due to hardworking and intelligence. He was entrusted lands of Khas Pur, Haji Pur, and Sahsram which were entrusted to his father, Hassan earlier by Jaunpur governor, Jalal Khan. Jalal tried a lot to make good relations of Hassan with Farid but it could not restore. His step mother compelled to Hassan for taking all authority of said lands. On which, Farid went in Lodhi place who entrusted these land to Farid as he had opted Jalal as Governor of Janpur. while returning from palace, Farid opted duty of looking after son of Sultan Muhammad, Governor of Bihar who gave him agnomen of Sher Shah Sori on his bravery of killing lion during hunting. Brothers of Farid wanted to snatch all land from Farid so they made conspiracy with Muhammad who was close office of Bihar governance. Farid got support of Hameed Mangol for defeating Muhammad then he joined Babur army where he got training and learnt about all tactics of administration and battling. Babur had recognized his future due to his qualities so he wanted to arrest Farid who flew from Delhi and joined again Bihar employment. After death of Bihar Sultan, Farid got control in Bihar governance and declared independent territory as he knew that Babur had died and everywhere revolt had started. Bengal governor wanted to capture Bihar but got defeat from Farid who encircled whole Bengal. On this occasion, Bengal's governor called Hamayu who came in Bengal an encircle Chinar castle for six months. In this duration, Farid got control in Ghor capital of Bengal and looted all treasury and kept safe in Ruhtas castle near to Soon river of Bihar. when hamyun came in Ghor the he lost in lust. in this  period, Fard stopped supply of food and sources of communication of Hamyun from central government, Delhi and Agra. Hamayun flew from Benga and reached in Chunsa where Farid gave him defeat. Hamayun asked help from his brother, Kamran wh denied and went in Kabul. Hamyun again got defeat in Qanooj battle and flew to Punjab and then Sindh. Eventually, he ran toward Iran who gave him residence and promised to help him against his brother for taking again Kabul territory. Sher Shah Sori established his kingdom in sub-continent. he crushed all revolts. He gave attention to administration. What he did in 5 years of his kingdom about administration?? you can get  knowledge about his administration in separate blog labelled "

Sher Shah Sori administration in 5 years in sub-continent"

Below video will show you Farid History. Subscribe this channel as well.

Stay with us for next blog on remaining parts of our history...........


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