Do you know about Akbar Dynasty ???? (Part 3)

Akbar Dynasty in Sub-continent (Bengal, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan) 

Akbar was also called Mugal e Azam due to his kingdom and administration in sub-continent. Akbar birth place is Umar Kot where his mother, Maryam  gave birth to him while staying in Sindh. Due to revolt of brothers in Kabul and Qandhar, Hamyun with his wife went to Iran. With help of  emperor of Iran, Hamyun again conquered Kabul, Qandhar, and Delhi. After giving defeat to Skindar Shah Sori in Sarhind territory, he declared Mangol dynasty in sub-continent. Unfortunately, Hamyun could not live for long life. After death of Hamayun, one Hindu, Hemu Biqal conquered Delhi and Tardi Baig flew away toward Punjab where Akbar with his guardian, Beram Khan had his residence in Punjab.  Akbar was made next king at Killanoor place in Gordas Pur's District. Tardi Baig and others advised to go back in Kabul but Beram Khan killed Tardi Baig on this coward attitude toward foe. Beram gathered army and did attack on Delhi where Hemu got defeat due to arrow struck by one Mughal solider on his eye. Beram Khan as guardian of Akber, who was 13 year old boy, at that time managed all affairs of government. Beram conquered Delhi, Malwa, Gujrat, Mewar, Golviyar, Ajmair, Amber, Jaunpur, Lahore, Multan and other territories. After coming in adult age, Akbar decided to manage all affairs of government by himself which is why he conveyed message to Beram for going in Mecca for spending his remaining life. Akbar got freedom from influence of women especially his mother, Maham Anga and his son, Adam Khan who killed his prime minister, Shams ud Din. In punishment, Adam Khan was killed by throwing his body from roof of castle due to which his mother Maham Angha could not live for long period. Akbar decided to capture other territories, Sindh, Baluchistan, Kashmir, Bengal, Bihar, Asam, and Deccan. For crushing revolt of RajPut, Akbar adopted policy of giving them ranks in his kingdom and offered marriage with their women. Only, Rana Partab remained stubborn and did battle with Akbar who sent Man Singh against him. Man Singh gave defeat to Rana Partab, son of Odhay who was son of Rana Sangh to whom Babur gave defeat in Kanwaha battle. For Deccan, Akbar sent his son, Murad with Abdul Raheem but Murad did quarrel with Abdul Raheem. Murad had addiction of booze so he dead in his addiction. Thereafter, Akbar sent his special adviser, Abu Fazal and second son, Danial for conquering Deccan. Danial got success and Ahmad Nagar was conquered. Akbar went himself and conquered Ureesa Garh and made obedient to other linked territories of BejaPur and Golkanda. On this Deccan project, he got news that his elder son, Saleem was ready to attack on Akbar's central government, Agra for getting his kingdom. Akbar sent back to Abu Fazal toward Agra but he was killed on the way by Saleem. Akbar came back in Agra. Saleem flew toward Ala-Abad. Saleem was dis-obedient who wanted to establish his realm. He was given Ajmair territory but he conquered Ala-abad. He disobeyed many orders of his father like he did not go in Bengal and Bihar for crushing revolters. Man Singh and son of Saleem, Khusro crushed revolt of Bengal. Meanwhile, Akbar got news of death of Danial who was also addicted of wine. Akbar fell ill and Saleem was given kingdom. Some wanted Khusro but Saleem was given chance due to wrong beliefs and rites were adopted by Akbar and Khusro. 

Akbar invented new religion of Deen-e-Alahi and got permission in writing in form of Ijtihad of Ulema that he would take all religious decision with political affairs. He issued Alfi Book. He was fed up from Ulema due to their conflicts. He called many experts of different religion (Hindus, Jainmat, Muslims, Christian) and then merged all in one newly invented religion, Deen-e-Alahi. At that time, Portugal people came in Gujrat and Deccan territories for trade purpose whose fathers then started to make people christian forcefully.

Akbar retracted all Jizya amount from Hindus and did marriages from Hindus girls and allowed to celebrate all rites of Hindus. He gave much support to Hindus due to which they made their loyal companions. However, Ulema did not like Akbar who disallowed slaughtering of cows and did not give open permission of performing prayers of Muslims. 

Akber had strong faith of Moeen ud Din Chisti and Sheik Saleem Chisthi. He  got Saleem after longtime due to pray of Sheik Saleem. On his name, he called Saleem as Sheiku Baba. Later, Mubarik Shah and his son Abu Fazal distracted to Akbar who had wrong beliefs and had inclination towards open mind in all religious affairs.

Despite of all his deeds, Akbar preferred justice while taking decisions and controlled all prices of goods for welfare of public. On advise of his adviser, Todomil, he improved the agricultural system where Sube Dar was appointed for collecting fixed amount in agriculture production from farmers and retracted all additional taxes. He minimized the role of landlords who received extra amount from farmers. 

Beram was faithful guardian who did revolt in Jalindar but it was crushed. He did revolt due to insist of some officers of government who has major role on expelling him from Mughal realm. They had false blame against Beram like his Shia religion, murder of Turdy Baig, coalition with Akbar brother, Hakim having his realm in Kabul and others like this. 

Stay with us for remaining part of Mughal Dyansty............


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